How & Why I Make Time for My Blog During Residency

How & Why I Make Time for My Blog During Residency

“How are you doing this?”

“I have no idea when you find the time.”

“How often do you go on photo shoots?”

“You’re able to work all these hours and still work with brands?”

These are just some of the questions/comments I’ve received about maintaining my blog since starting residency. And these questions are more than reasonable. Let me tell you why.

As a resident intern, I work at least 70 hours per week, if not more, on most rotations. That’s 2 jobs. For some, that time requirement could be 3 jobs. With my blog, I am compounding my level of responsibility and time requirement because, well…it’s my job. Throughout the years, I have been able to transition Surgery And The City (SAC) from a hobby to a substantial career. Of that I am just so proud. More than that, SAC has become a need.

I began my blog during my 2nd year of medical school when my academic life was completely imploding. I initially had plans to start my fashion and lifestyle blog once everything in my life was “more stable”—once I was making all A’s and B’s, once I was in a comfortable space in school, once my finances were more secure, and once timing was more optimal. In medical school at least, that time never really came. At the urging of my family, friends, and med school classmates (you know who you are! thank you so much!), I took the leap and launched my blog and online platform. I’m so glad I did not wait for the “perfect” time to start because my, how we’ve grown.

Once I started blogging and became more consistent with my blog, other areas of my life drastically improved, especially academically. I had so much more balance in my life and way less pressure to have a perfect career and trajectory in medicine. I grew in confidence and more readily embraced the non-traditional path that is mine. Medicine was no longer my end all be all. For that, I was much healthier. Still am. I have always been a creative at heart and I did sacrifice much of my creative time early on to pursue a career in medicine. My blog has shown me I can absolutely have both. For a brief period of time in high school, I said I wanted to do something with photography and art. I had a deep love for fashion, but I still wanted to be a physician as well. There was not a name for what I wanted to do back then, but I’m so glad there is now: Influencer Marketing. I have now tapped into a field that allows me to develop my own fashion and lifestyle brand, work with the brands of my dreams, and still fully pursue my career in medicine. THAT is the ultimate best scenario for me and I’m so grateful to have found it.

My blog became a need. That’s the primary reason why I am willing to give up 95% of my sliver of weekly free time to SAC. I remember how anxious, imbalanced, and stressed I felt specifically 2nd year of medical school. I never want to go back to that time or those feelings ever again. A creative outlet during residency has been a lifesaver. There is nothing like working all day to help and benefit others and then coming home to build up, benefit, and pour back into yourself. One of the residents in my program told me just the other day that I look so calm and collected. He said interns usually appear depressed and unhinged this time of year. We thank God. And I know having an outlet where I do not focus solely on the medicine 24/7 has A LOT to do with that. My blog has also become a financial resource. I have goals, y’all. There is a condo or townhome with a rooftop situation back in Atlanta waiting for me. I have investments I want to see grow. I have scholarships I want to give away. I have goals. While this doctor money is nice and will only become nicer at the Attending level…I am projected to make way more as an influencer. Facts are facts. That’s an opportunity I am not willing to miss.

I’m a competent physician constantly growing every day. I study. I keep my in-basket up to date. I respond to emails and patient requests. I give my patients my devoted attention and seek to learn and improve daily. But when that clock hits off hours and I have my (usually 1) to 2 days off per week, it’s me and SAC. I’m going on that photo shoot weekly (or twice a month on harder rotations). I’m waking up early to finalize that blog post (as I did this morning. Ha!). I’m pitching 3-5 brands per week. I’m uploading content to Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok 5 days a week. I’m submitting content for approval to brands. I’m following up on invoices. I’m checking my bank account daily so I can manage and update my books. I’m brainstorming concepts for brand campaigns and blog posts. I’M BUILDING. I am so SO glad my Dad instilled time management into me and my brothers when we were young. He made the rule and my Mom enforced it: No tv until 7pm during the week so you can practice your sport and your instrument. By the time we practiced, we still had to study because we were expected to maintain academic excellence. So basically, we did not have a lot of downtime or tv time growing up. Dad always said “Why would you watch others do when you yourself can do?” I am incredibly productive and can make the most even out of a little bit of time because of my upbringing. For those early lessons, I am forever grateful. And y’all, the time I give myself and my blog really does keep me sane; really does keep me focused.

In residency, there is so much stress, so much heartache, so many family goals of care meetings, so much sickness, so much death. I choose life and I choose me each and every time I do something for the blog. Our time is limited. Our time is not usually our own, but fellow residents, I encourage you all to take advantage of the time that is. It can be so easy to sleep your days away when you have down or off time. That’s MORE than ok. I implore you to also consider spending some of that time doing something just for you and to cultivate passions completely separate from medicine. I feel like such a better doctor for it. I like the way I feel and how I can show up for my patients as a result. I will continue to work on SAC throughout residency and beyond. As it grows as a platform, I continue to develop as a physician. The futures of both my careers are bright. And I thank you all for cheering me on along the way. I’m off to prenatal clinic now. Have the best weekend!


Photos by Sweetie Mensah

Preset by Tina Smith


  1. Michele K Bazzell
    April 22, 2022 / 11:15 pm


    • Anya
      April 22, 2022 / 11:16 pm

      Thank you SO MUCH M!!!

    • Anya
      April 22, 2022 / 11:17 pm

      Lol!! You are hilarious!!

  2. Oma. O
    June 23, 2022 / 4:52 pm

    I feel productive just from reading this, TRUE STORY, haha. This is a GRACE. Not many have it. A masterclass maybe?

    • Anya
      June 23, 2022 / 4:57 pm

      Lol!! I love it! Maybe one day❤️❤️

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