Living Single.

Living Single.

Quite honestly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I know it’s customary for so many women to go from living with parents to living with roommates to living with a significant other. I can’t help but wonder if anything is missed by never living alone. My friend Tina and I had this discussion and she encouraged me to write a blog post. So here goes…

When I finally achieved my long time dream of getting into medical school, I already knew that my next move was to move out! I had been living with my parents five years post-undergrad while I worked to finish two Masters degree programs. Moving back in with the parentals after experiencing a little  a lot of freedom and my own dorm room in college? Very difficult! And not for the obvious reasons: I could no longer come and go without telling someone, I had to share my food, my Dad still felt like I needed a 12am curfew! The reason I had to go surrounded the growth and development I knew the experience would procure. Self-sufficiency and individual problem solving are skills—are gifts—that help me walk through life every single day. I don’t personally think I would have developed these skills to the level I have if I had never lived alone. Also, as a young woman at the age of 27, I wanted to have that time in my life where I just did it on my own—as much as possible (my parents still helped me when I really need it). I wanted to have the time when I pay my own bills, cook for just myself, watch TV when I want to, sit in silence when I want to, take up every single inch of the closet, furnish my home solely the way I want, sprawl out over the entire bed, re-watch the same exact show on Netflix for months at a time, study until 8pm and not even think about dinner until 9pm, and simply spend time alone to figure out exactly what I like and what makes me tick. And for the past several years, that’s precisely what I’ve been doing…and more.

It did not take me long to find my dream apartment right in Midtown. As soon as I saw the closet, it was a done deal! Not even exaggerating! I’m in love with my place. I’d buy it if I could, but it’s not that type of building. Literally right in the middle of everything, I can make it to the hospital in 7 minutes and down to Ponce City Market in 5. I can walk to the grocery store for food and run walk the Beltline to boot! And then there’s the rooftop view! I literally could not ask for a better place and I’m so grateful that one day I will be able to tell my future children about the amazing experiences I had living in major cities like Boston, Atlanta, New York, and even an island—Martha’s Vineyard—for a stint of time.

Children. A family. More reasons I wanted to live alone first. Particularly in the south, it is overwhelmingly popular to marry and start a family at a young age; to go straight from your parents’ home to a home with your significant other turned spouse. And of course, it’s very common to live with your significant other before marriage. Why that trend was not for me? There’s just so much to experience in between. Nothing wrong with growing and building with someone else, but I also love the idea of first growing and building oneself. Travel. Mission trips. Education. Certification. Career building. Time alone with God. Living alone has allowed me to dedicate pretty much all of my time to these endeavors. I  have lived. I won’t have to worry about missed opportunity because I have absolutely had my time. This is not to say anyone who does not have the living single experience is more prone to resent his or her family. I am simply speaking about my experience and what I needed.

I have received a few comments here and there saying I wasted money by living alone when I could have just lived with my parents during med school and even thereafter. My response? No experience is a waste of money. I’ll continue to have the savings. I’ll continue to pay off my student debt. But this time living alone and pouring into myself before I one day have a husband and children? Priceless. There is no feeling like walking into my apartment and knowing the space is 100% mine oh mine! I can dictate the mood, the temperament, the vibe. I can say who stays and who goes. I can protect the joy and peace that live here. I can just…be. I intentionally gave myself time to enjoy and define what peace and joy feel and look like to Me. Correlating these states of being with an experience instead of a specific person has allowed me to walk away from some pretty unhealthy situations. To me, settling down should never be synonymous with settling.

My reason for writing this post is not to speak negatively about other lifestyles, but simply to provide a different perspective. I don’t think we as a society talk about this enough—about a woman having SIGNIFICANT alone time before settling down. It’s usually all about a man “sowing his wild oats” and having his bachelor pad season while we as women actively search and pray, hoping to find one who is fully capable and ready to transition. Ladies, what are we sowing? Who ever encourages us to have that selfish season? The complexities of wifehood, motherhood, BOSShood, work/life balance, mommy guilt, all the hats we wear are all so vast. Spending a few years living alone—no roomies, no bae—burning 3 different scents of Bath & Body Works candles at a time, watching Moesha til no end, NOT hiding all those Amazon packages…sounds pretty good to me! It’s been pretty good to me.

I always encourage women to think about the flip side of the coin. Think about what it might look like to go against the grain. If you truly can make it work for your finances (not trying to get anyone in deep water, here!) spend some of those formative years alone. Those friends who wanted you to move in will still be there. That relationship will still be there (if they are for you!) And Sis, not living with him will help you think even clearer about the relationship, spot red flags, and act accordingly. I could have been married twice over by now, but those relationships were not for me. Living in my own space only helped me process and act more efficiently. It’s more than ok to pour into and nurture yourself before you attempt to do so for others. It’s a beautiful thing to focus on your dreams before deciding to merge space, finances, and assets. It is OK for women to simply Live Single. It’s honestly been the least lonely time of my life. I have learned to lean on God and myself and when I am around others, it’s by choice. I cherish it all the more. And for the single ladies who may struggle with the idea of living alone or who are not single by choice, my advice is this: Live. It. Up. Find what you love to do and DO IT! Even if it’s a small hobby, just enjoy! From what I hear, once you have a family…life gets real. Take the time to enjoy your time.

Living Single. It’s a 2020 kind of world. I’m glad I have…the very best version of me.


Photos by Tina Smith


    • Anya
      October 16, 2020 / 3:21 pm

      Yes!! And what beautiful experiences to have❤️🙌🏾

  1. October 16, 2020 / 4:45 pm

    Continue this and keep it energized with your smile and devotion to the tasks at hand. I am enjoying your smile, and your transparency is mindblowing. The resolve to reach and surpass your destiny is so very amaxing and should be a testament to everyone who tried and ultimately met some challenges. You will not fail if never, ever try. You had better believe it!

    • Anya
      October 16, 2020 / 5:07 pm

      Yes!! Thank you so much!!💜💜💜

  2. Michelle Cornett
    October 16, 2020 / 5:24 pm

    Thank you, Anya. I needed this. I’m 31 and I am still living with my parents (and 8 of my nine siblings…), so I look forward to when I’m out on my own and single. Hopefully that will be in the next two years!

    • Anya
      October 16, 2020 / 5:45 pm

      Of course Michelle!! I’m glad the post was something you could relate with💕You’ve got time! Take you’re time! You will get to have that experience and will enjoy it all the more💪🏾💕

  3. Carolyn Crook
    October 17, 2020 / 2:16 am

    Where’s the Love button?

    • Anya
      October 17, 2020 / 2:38 am

      Awwww thank you Ms. Carolyn!!!💕💕💕

  4. Madison
    October 17, 2020 / 2:20 am

    I moved 8 hours from my entire family to pursue a Master’s Degree in a different state. It’s been hard, especially since Covid-19 broke out. I’ve not enjoyed living by myself since I don’t have a support network, but this just made me want to find ways to live out my singleness even more! You should do a post on different ways to enjoy your singleness like going to the local theater or volunteering (I’d love to see you go into more detail on how you lived out your singleness).

    • Anya
      October 17, 2020 / 2:43 am

      I’m so sorry it’s been difficult❤️I have definitely had my fair share of tough times too. It can be hard when you’re doing it all alone. BUT yes, there are so many fun ways to live it out! You are so right! I should do a post on the things I’ve done. I will do that soon💕I hope you enjoy your weekend!! Candles + Netflix do wonders💕More later!

  5. October 17, 2020 / 3:48 am

    Anya, I absolutely love this post and agree totally, especially with the not living with a man before marriage. No judgment on those who do different (and let’s be honest, marriage isn’t for everybody), I’m just more traditional in that regard and it’s refreshing hearing someone else with a similar viewpoint. There’s something special about being able to book a flight to London or Paris without having to check with husband or see about the children. I definitely desire marriage, and children and look forward to that time—but I really love being single and think it’s gotten a bad wrap. Great post and thank you for sharing!

    • Anya
      October 17, 2020 / 12:06 pm

      Yes!! Melodee, I completely agree! Singleness is a beautiful thing. And absolutely, no judgement, but living with a guy before marriage cuts down on what may be a woman’s final moments of alone time. Not for me💕And yes, booking a flight and, in my case, flat out moving to an island for several months is a whole lot easier without a Huz and kids!😂I just want more women to know they can take their time. Thank you for reading! So glad you can relate!

  6. Amanda R
    October 17, 2020 / 6:00 pm

    This was exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you!! ❤️

    • Anya
      October 17, 2020 / 6:42 pm

      I’m so glad!!💕Of course!💪🏾

  7. Ty
    February 7, 2021 / 3:28 pm

    Bravo! This is lovely! I am doing the same with my life right now, and I greatly appreciate your support of this choice to be single and enjoy life. So many of us feel as though we’re making an unusual choice to not marry immediately. It’s wonderful to see a celebration of self exploration. Thank you!

    • Anya
      February 7, 2021 / 4:01 pm

      Yessss!! So glad to hear that! Yes! Nothing wrong with taking your time❤️Enjoy every moment!

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